Benchmark Results

How fast is your web host performing?

Display: Percentage
    CPU Disk MySQL Fsockopen
Web Hosting Provider   Pi Read Write Compile Connect Insert Select Search Update Delete Upstream Downstream
[-] LemonEntry -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 530 ms 3,368.5 MBps 27.6 MBps 16.4 MBps 0 ms 28,946 rps 415,896 rps 8,368 rps 2,100 rps 9,382 rps 21.6 Mbps 32.4 Mbps
     v1-fi 596 ms 3,237.0 MBps 19.4 MBps 15.1 MBps 0 ms 11,428 rps 283,339 rps 6,187 rps 1,575 rps 6,419 rps 13.0 Mbps 10.2 Mbps
     v2-fi 543 ms 3,610.9 MBps 20.8 MBps 15.1 MBps 0 ms 22,663 rps 375,800 rps 8,153 rps 1,819 rps 8,745 rps 12.0 Mbps 2.3 Mbps 1,272 ms 1,164.4 MBps 12.5 MBps 6.2 MBps 1 ms 11,735 rps 250,811 rps 3,826 rps 1,168 rps 4,550 rps 37.0 Mbps 6.5 Mbps
[+] Louhi 679 ms 2,303.8 MBps 17.4 MBps 12.1 MBps 0.90 ms 14,194 rps 375,232 rps 5,779 rps 997 rps 6,509 rps 70.0 Mbps 76.7 Mbps
[+] 827 ms 2,429.8 MBps 20.8 MBps 11.6 MBps 0.40 ms 20,158 rps 346,187 rps 3,313 rps 1,686 rps 5,759 rps 42.7 Mbps 48.3 Mbps
Average   747 ms 2,526.3 MBps 19.4 MBps 12.3 MBps 0.60 ms 17,681 rps 350,960 rps 5,242 rps 1,449 rps 6,514 rps 44.6 Mbps 45.9 Mbps

The benchmark data reflects the relative performance of the web hosting servers, rather than variations in geographical locations or local network conditions.

Our testing tools measures the true performance of the web hosts. If someone claims they are fast, we can find out how fast.

Are you getting the performance and stability you are paying for? We want to prove the point that although a web host is twice as expensive, it can be twice as slow.

How fast is your webhost? Download our satellite and find out! The test is free and available for downloading in our menu. Instructions how to monitor your provider or machine comes with the test results.

Operation Measurement Description
- Pi Time elapsed for calulating pi in milliseconds.
- Read Amount of data read per second in MegaBytes.
- Write Amount of data written per second in MegaBytes.
- Compile Amount of data compiled per second in MegaBytes.
- Connect Time elapsed for connecting to MySQL server in milliseconds.
- Insert Number of inserted rows per second.
- Select Number of read rows per second.
- Search Number of read rows per second.
- Update Number of updated rows per second.
- Delete Number of deleted rows per second.
- Upstream Amount of data sent per second in Megabits.
- Downstream Amount of data recceived per second in Megabits.