Benchmark Results
How fast is your web host performing?
Display: Percentage
CPU | Disk | MySQL | Fsockopen | ||||||||||
Web Hosting Provider | Pi | Read | Write | Compile | Connect | Insert | Select | Search | Update | Delete | Upstream | Downstream | |
[+] Yourhosting | 613 ms | 2,223.1 MBps | 17.2 MBps | 14.4 MBps | 1.00 ms | 10,548 rps | 954,407 rps | 4,095 rps | 531 rps | 5,225 rps | 239.0 Mbps | 2.3 Mbps | |
[+] Altushost | 654 ms | 2,163.8 MBps | 1.2 MBps | 17.9 MBps | 0.30 ms | 7,824 rps | 681,600 rps | 3,555 rps | 627 rps | 4,444 rps | 52.4 Mbps | 257.9 Mbps | |
[+] Neostrada | 760 ms | 1,495.2 MBps | 17.7 MBps | 10.6 MBps | 0.80 ms | 2,742 rps | 349,712 rps | 1,839 rps | 606 rps | 1,896 rps | 220.8 Mbps | 80.1 Mbps | |
[+] ResellerDNS | 776 ms | 2,437.4 MBps | 15.8 MBps | 10.6 MBps | 0.70 ms | 1,899 rps | 259,313 rps | 1,449 rps | 756 rps | 1,422 rps | 179.8 Mbps | 58.0 Mbps | |
[+] Siteground Amsterdam | 902 ms | 1,935.2 MBps | 16.2 MBps | 8.2 MBps | 0.50 ms | 10,461 rps | 306,043 rps | 2,749 rps | 1,107 rps | 3,905 rps | 6.3 Mbps | 1.4 Mbps | |
[+] simplehosting | 1,148 ms | 408.0 MBps | 14.1 MBps | 4.1 MBps | 151.00 ms | 1,374 rps | 120,923 rps | 769 rps | 556 rps | 992 rps | 25.6 Mbps | 81.9 Mbps | |
Average | 809 ms | 1,777.1 MBps | 13.7 MBps | 11.0 MBps | 25.72 ms | 5,808 rps | 445,333 rps | 2,409 rps | 697 rps | 2,981 rps | 120.7 Mbps | 80.2 Mbps |
The benchmark data reflects the relative performance of the web hosting servers, rather than variations in geographical locations or local network conditions.
Our testing tools measures the true performance of the web hosts. If someone claims they are fast, we can find out how fast.
Are you getting the performance and stability you are paying for? We want to prove the point that although a web host is twice as expensive, it can be twice as slow.
How fast is your webhost? Download our satellite and find out! The test is free and available for downloading in our menu. Instructions how to monitor your provider or machine comes with the test results.
Operation | Measurement Description |
CPU | |
- Pi | Time elapsed for calulating pi in milliseconds. |
Disk | |
- Read | Amount of data read per second in MegaBytes. |
- Write | Amount of data written per second in MegaBytes. |
- Compile | Amount of data compiled per second in MegaBytes. |
MySQL | |
- Connect | Time elapsed for connecting to MySQL server in milliseconds. |
- Insert | Number of inserted rows per second. |
- Select | Number of read rows per second. |
- Search | Number of read rows per second. |
- Update | Number of updated rows per second. |
- Delete | Number of deleted rows per second. |
Fsockopen | |
- Upstream | Amount of data sent per second in Megabits. |
- Downstream | Amount of data recceived per second in Megabits. |