Benchmark Results

How fast is your web host performing?

Display: Percentage
    CPU Disk MySQL Fsockopen
Web Hosting Provider   Pi Read Write Compile Connect Insert Select Search Update Delete Upstream Downstream
[+] Meebox 657 ms 2,455.0 MBps 10.1 MBps 11.3 MBps 3.00 ms 2,634 rps 286,590 rps 2,137 rps 1,201 rps 2,187 rps 57.0 Mbps 182.4 Mbps
[+] 984 ms 818.0 MBps 17.3 MBps 9.3 MBps 8.60 ms 2,161 rps 238,728 rps 1,313 rps 539 rps 1,657 rps 51.7 Mbps 34.5 Mbps
[+] Gigahost 947 ms 1,094.3 MBps 9.2 MBps 5.4 MBps 2.30 ms 1,921 rps 161,398 rps 1,146 rps 346 rps 1,273 rps 44.5 Mbps 31.8 Mbps
[-] Surftown -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 870 ms 947.2 MBps 16.7 MBps 4.2 MBps 10 ms 2,548 rps 223,959 rps 1,140 rps 407 rps 1,168 rps 60.2 Mbps 14.3 Mbps 2,322 ms 205.9 MBps 0.8 MBps 0.7 MBps 5 ms 1,149 rps 79,619 rps 363 rps 210 rps 318 rps 53.9 Mbps 18.5 Mbps 1,159 ms 822.4 MBps 15.7 MBps 3.4 MBps 6 ms 1,447 rps 186,175 rps 1,044 rps 389 rps 1,116 rps 42.2 Mbps 95.5 Mbps 3,570 ms 606.6 MBps 4.4 MBps 5.4 MBps 26 ms 1,706 rps 131,645 rps 1,102 rps 539 rps 1,220 rps 35.7 Mbps 29.7 Mbps 2,094 ms 472.2 MBps 4.2 MBps 4.4 MBps 10 ms 1,410 rps 110,182 rps 989 rps 478 rps 1,123 rps 33.5 Mbps 27.0 Mbps 2,023 ms 828.1 MBps 13.6 MBps 7.2 MBps 7 ms 1,384 rps 149,348 rps 1,046 rps 521 rps 1,058 rps 31.2 Mbps 29.3 Mbps 696 ms 1,529.2 MBps 19.1 MBps 18.0 MBps 1 ms 3,481 rps 611,249 rps 1,976 rps 432 rps 2,408 rps 11.8 Mbps 1.2 Mbps
[+] DotHost 1,014 ms 91.7 MBps 3.4 MBps 5.0 MBps 1.00 ms 5,273 rps 158,455 rps 4,534 rps 824 rps 3,178 rps 27.0 Mbps 44.5 Mbps
[+] UnoEuro 524 ms 2,631.8 MBps 10.4 MBps 18.4 MBps 1.40 ms 3,864 rps 677,341 rps 1,959 rps 537 rps 1,880 rps 25.2 Mbps 108.6 Mbps
Average   991 ms 1,310.6 MBps 10.2 MBps 9.3 MBps 4.30 ms 2,955 rps 289,280 rps 2,030 rps 645 rps 1,896 rps 40.6 Mbps 72.1 Mbps

The benchmark data reflects the relative performance of the web hosting servers, rather than variations in geographical locations or local network conditions.

Our testing tools measures the true performance of the web hosts. If someone claims they are fast, we can find out how fast.

Are you getting the performance and stability you are paying for? We want to prove the point that although a web host is twice as expensive, it can be twice as slow.

How fast is your webhost? Download our satellite and find out! The test is free and available for downloading in our menu. Instructions how to monitor your provider or machine comes with the test results.

Operation Measurement Description
- Pi Time elapsed for calulating pi in milliseconds.
- Read Amount of data read per second in MegaBytes.
- Write Amount of data written per second in MegaBytes.
- Compile Amount of data compiled per second in MegaBytes.
- Connect Time elapsed for connecting to MySQL server in milliseconds.
- Insert Number of inserted rows per second.
- Select Number of read rows per second.
- Search Number of read rows per second.
- Update Number of updated rows per second.
- Delete Number of deleted rows per second.
- Upstream Amount of data sent per second in Megabits.
- Downstream Amount of data recceived per second in Megabits.