Benchmark Results

How fast is your web host performing?

Display: Percentage
    CPU Disk MySQL Fsockopen
Web Hosting Provider   Pi Read Write Compile Connect Insert Select Search Update Delete Upstream Downstream
[-] Go Daddy -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1,426 ms 76.7 MBps 1.4 MBps 5.7 MBps 2 ms 1,009 rps 155,379 rps 1,167 rps 458 rps 1,654 rps 21.0 Mbps 16.9 Mbps 1,417 ms 1,370.0 MBps 10.4 MBps 6.4 MBps 1 ms 4,358 rps 219,723 rps 1,752 rps 421 rps 2,371 rps 179.3 Mbps 81.7 Mbps 1,290 ms 20.2 MBps 2.9 MBps 5.4 MBps 4 ms 2,494 rps 194,586 rps 1,664 rps 509 rps 1,107 rps 8.1 Mbps 10.7 Mbps 1,280 ms 832.4 MBps 10.9 MBps 7.0 MBps 3 ms 2,834 rps 190,578 rps 2,017 rps 519 rps 2,011 rps 6.6 Mbps 7.6 Mbps 1,279 ms 931.9 MBps 11.0 MBps 7.2 MBps 2 ms 2,717 rps 195,433 rps 1,779 rps 515 rps 1,863 rps 6.6 Mbps 8.2 Mbps 1,278 ms 318.3 MBps 4.7 MBps 7.1 MBps 2 ms 1,602 rps 148,940 rps 1,859 rps 564 rps 1,562 rps 9.3 Mbps 13.2 Mbps 1,273 ms 924.3 MBps 10.4 MBps 7.0 MBps 2 ms 2,665 rps 192,019 rps 1,880 rps 495 rps 1,921 rps 5.6 Mbps 6.9 Mbps 1,272 ms 779.8 MBps 10.1 MBps 7.1 MBps 4 ms 2,331 rps 182,381 rps 1,729 rps 443 rps 1,633 rps 6.5 Mbps 5.8 Mbps 1,272 ms 183.9 MBps 7.9 MBps 6.8 MBps 3 ms 2,132 rps 179,738 rps 1,782 rps 539 rps 1,799 rps 5.9 Mbps 6.6 Mbps 1,208 ms 48.2 MBps 2.8 MBps 5.6 MBps 4 ms 2,315 rps 204,331 rps 1,838 rps 469 rps 1,863 rps 21.5 Mbps 0.8 Mbps
     P3NW8SHG233 1,129 ms 16.6 MBps 0.1 MBps 4.3 MBps 10 ms 1,459 rps 175,616 rps 1,341 rps 517 rps 1,273 rps 1.0 Mbps 9.1 Mbps 1,052 ms 1,250.4 MBps 11.7 MBps 6.8 MBps 1 ms 13,521 rps 374,124 rps 5,423 rps 705 rps 3,576 rps 25.6 Mbps 20.9 Mbps 978 ms 1,896.5 MBps 12.8 MBps 9.1 MBps 2 ms 3,811 rps 152,183 rps 2,507 rps 619 rps 2,489 rps 7.1 Mbps 39.9 Mbps 929 ms 1,419.7 MBps 12.8 MBps 8.9 MBps 2 ms 2,893 rps 151,034 rps 2,222 rps 423 rps 1,806 rps 6.8 Mbps 37.3 Mbps 914 ms 1,487.4 MBps 1.0 MBps 8.8 MBps 1 ms 154 rps 260,686 rps 1,859 rps 625 rps 1,367 rps 5.8 Mbps 50.1 Mbps 748 ms 1,774.1 MBps 3.2 MBps 10.2 MBps 1 ms 5,903 rps 316,526 rps 3,130 rps 1,005 rps 2,847 rps 16.9 Mbps 1.9 Mbps 741 ms 2,341.6 MBps 0.8 MBps 11.1 MBps 1 ms 4,217 rps 798,871 rps 2,463 rps 162 rps 2,099 rps 5.1 Mbps 3.3 Mbps 606 ms 2,624.0 MBps 0.8 MBps 13.1 MBps 0 ms 8,279 rps 1,031,648 rps 3,732 rps 257 rps 1,241 rps 150.8 Mbps 5.7 Mbps
Average   1,116 ms 1,016.4 MBps 6.4 MBps 7.6 MBps 2.40 ms 3,594 rps 284,655 rps 2,230 rps 514 rps 1,916 rps 27.2 Mbps 18.1 Mbps

The benchmark data reflects the relative performance of the web hosting servers, rather than variations in geographical locations or local network conditions.

Our testing tools measures the true performance of the web hosts. If someone claims they are fast, we can find out how fast.

Are you getting the performance and stability you are paying for? We want to prove the point that although a web host is twice as expensive, it can be twice as slow.

How fast is your webhost? Download our satellite and find out! The test is free and available for downloading in our menu. Instructions how to monitor your provider or machine comes with the test results.

Operation Measurement Description
- Pi Time elapsed for calulating pi in milliseconds.
- Read Amount of data read per second in MegaBytes.
- Write Amount of data written per second in MegaBytes.
- Compile Amount of data compiled per second in MegaBytes.
- Connect Time elapsed for connecting to MySQL server in milliseconds.
- Insert Number of inserted rows per second.
- Select Number of read rows per second.
- Search Number of read rows per second.
- Update Number of updated rows per second.
- Delete Number of deleted rows per second.
- Upstream Amount of data sent per second in Megabits.
- Downstream Amount of data recceived per second in Megabits.